Get your first and second customers

Founders turn to us when they're looking to build their first customer acquisition channel. Think of us as your marketing co-founder.

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Secure your first customer fast

Quickly validate your MVP and find out if people are willing to pay for your product. Our methodology helps you to accomplish this with the least time and cost. Get the answer to these questions as quickly as possible:
  • How much longer should I continue working on this?
  • Is there someone who will pay for my product?
  • How much can I charge? Is this profitable?

Win your second customer reliably

Validate that you have a reliable way to continue getting customers. Avoid the common trap where founders get initial sales from a product launch but struggle to find a way to get consistent sales. This helps to answer longer term questions like:
  • How many sales can I continue to expect?
  • Should I quit my job to spend more time on this?
  • How much time and money do I need to spend to build a steady acquisition channel?

Are you facing any of these common founder challenges?

No existing following on Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn

No website traffic or traffic that doesn’t convert into paying users

Product Hunt launches, TikToks and Tweets not generating traction

Focusing on building great products with limited time for marketing

Our methodology helps founders overcome these odds stacked against them and sell their MVP quickly and reliably

Our core approach to getting your first and second customers

SEO-Based Traffic

We’ve found SEO to be the most reliable and predictable way to get customers for new products. Churning out lots of TikTok videos can sometimes feel like a slot machine that may hit an absolute jackpot (we do still recommend TikTok for certain types of clients). On the other hand, SEO is methodical, data-based and has clear repeatable processes for success.
Fast results

Fast results

With our programmatic SEO approach, you typically see immediate results in just days.
Quality visitors

Quality visitors

SEO targets visitors who are already actively searching for your solution.


Once ranked, you continue to receive visitors perpetually, giving you a reliable sales channel.


SEO generates traffic without reliance on social media followings.


Use SEO data to estimate traffic and conversions to make informed decisions.


If you pivot your product, you’ll already have a steady stream of relevant visitors.

Cold Calls & Emails

Get in front of customers immediately by showing up in their email inbox or on their phone. Identify objections through interactions with potential customers and figure out what it takes to get sales.

Charge users up front

Users will pay up front for a solution to a problem that’s painful enough. Our process helps you to figure out exactly what it takes to get a user to pay without free trial. Your eventual pricing strategy will make use of the data we help you gather in this phase.

Mini Tools

We conduct research to help you to plan and build mini tools that immediately provide value to users and build trust. They also serve as part of your SEO strategy to acquire visitors.

Quick Iterations

Our experiments run fast. Be prepared to run through dozens of pricing and messaging changes weekly to help you sell to your first and second customers.
Sell your MVP
“The man who needs a new machine or service but hasn’t yet bought it, is already paying for it.”
Charlie Munger
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© SellYourMVP 2024